While surfing radio channels awhile back, I happened upon a host of a Catholic show who was addressing evolution and Catholicism. My science background and apologetic interests made me listen closer. Her view was interesting, however, I was disappointed in a common line she used. She, like Catholicism in general, does not take a hard […]
Did Jesus Claim to be God, Equal With the Father? [Podcast]
In a time when anyone can identify as anything , I’ve a greater sensitivity to those who claim to be Christian, but aren’t. Basic teachings and basic elements of Christianity are ignored or disagreed with, but one still claims to be Christan. Obviously God is the final judge, but the Bible already has criteria laid out. […]
Are Unborn Babies Parasites? [Video Quick Answers]
On-line discussion groups seem to bring out the worst in people, especially those who support abortion. I make a logical and biological case for life, the arguments back are cussing, swearing and ridicule. One peculiar beloved claim is the human fetus is a parasite, thus it can be removed. Since the parasite argument is so […]
Atheists Identifies As Christian, ‘We Need to Celebrate that’ Says Professor
Satire USA — A new form of religion has been identified. Meet Tony Wabble of Miami Florida, an atheist who identifies as a Christian. Religion professor John J. Willson of the Miami College of Religion and the Arts stated: “This is a new phenomenon. While many think you can’t be atheist and Christian at the […]
Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers – A Responce [Podcast]
In an article by Kate Ryan, titled “Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers“, she makes a “logical” case why Pro-Lifers are illogical. Yes, you heard that right. You see, she uses a Bill Nye’s video to help make her case. However, here I respond to that case she makes. Enjoy! To […]
Using the PIG Process To Recover the Biblical Doctrine of Discernment
Spammers attack my blog every day, which is quite annoying to say the least. Like most, I have no problem identify spam. While spam can be dangerous to the naive, for most it’s not the biggest concern. However, there are real devious and dangerous ideas that bombarded us daily. Fake news, false memes, fringe ideas, […]
Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 3 [Podcast]
Nature is packed with designs that are so well made, we copy them (bioinspiration). In addition, some designs we found in nature after we came up with technology that looks mighty similar (which is what I call biosimilarity). This third show, in a series of three casts, talks about the best source for these designs. […]
Hoaxes, “Fake News”, False Sources And How To Be Discerning
Internet hoaxes, questionable sources, the overly abused modern phrase “fake news”, click-bait sites and crazy memes bombard our daily life. We are deluged with questionable “new finds” and crazy conspiracy theories. As a society, we have been taken in by the promise of “hidden knowledge” as the gnostics of old. As I sit back and […]
Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World [Book Review]
Coauthored with John Stonestreet, Brett Kunkle sent me his new book, A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World. I had been eying the book for a bit, so I was happy to read it and give my thoughts. I do think we all must continually keep our fingers on culture’s […]
Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 2 [Podcast]
So, is science at war with God? Well, this second in a series of three podcasts address this question. This podcast is an excerpt from my popular talk, “Why Science Confirms The Creator“. To listen, just click on the below “PLAY” button. To download this iApologia Podcast, click here and then select the download button […]