July 27, 2024

Category: epigenetics

Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 2 [Podcast]
apologetics, biology, biomimicry, biosimilarity, darwinian evolution, DNA, epigenetics, evolution, genes, Genetic Entropy, genome, intelligent design, naturalism, Podcast, science, Teen book

Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 2 [Podcast]

So, is science at war with God? Well, this second in a series of three podcasts address this question. This podcast is an excerpt from my popular talk, “Why Science Confirms The Creator“. To listen, just click on the below “PLAY” button. To download this iApologia Podcast, click here and then select the download button […]

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Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 1 [Podcast]
apologetics, biology, biomimicry, biosimilarity, darwinian evolution, DNA, epigenetics, evolution, genes, genome, intelligent design, Podcast, science

Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 1 [Podcast]

In society, at times, we hear some say that science is a war with God. I, however, don’t think this is true. In my popular talk, “Why Science Confirms The Creator“, I give three reasons why science points to God. Awhile back I was again invited to give this talk at a conference. Here is the first […]

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One Life Mystery That Is Destroying Darwinism But Points To The Creator Scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli
biology, creation, DNA, epigenetics, evolution, genes, intelligent design

One Life Mystery That Is Destroying Darwinism But Points To The Creator

Exponential Life – Epigenetics Deepens the Mystery of Design I was blown away when the scientist said it; my mind yelled, “What? Th at’s crazy!” His topic was the famous, or maybe infamous, tiny friend living down in our lower digestive tract, Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. He said that, on average, any given strain […]

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biology, cells, creation, DNA, education, epigenetics, evolution, genes, genome, intelligent design, science

What Is The Difference Between Shannon Information and Specified Complex Information? And why it’s important.

Information is interesting, here I want to specifically discuss Shannon Information verses Specified Complex Information. I know, you may be saying “so what, it sounds boring to me.” Maybe so, it may even zip over your head, in that case duck so it will hit the person behind you! While being of an esoteric philosophical nature, I think it’s […]

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apologetics, biology, cells, DNA, epigenetics, evolution, genes, genome, intelligent design, molecular machines, science

Double Function: DNA Code and Duons

Cells are the “building block of life”, they form organisms. Inside, DNA resides, storing the instructions that tell how to build proteins. Protein are made up of something called called amino acids. The instructions in the DNA are called genes. However, the DNA has other functions as well, it regulates some of the cell’s activities. DNA code […]

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