October 23, 2024

Are Unborn Babies Parasites? [Video Quick Answers]

Are Unborn Babies Parasites? [Video Quick Answers]
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On-line discussion groups seem to bring out the worst in people, especially those who support abortion. I make a logical and biological case for life, the arguments back are cussing, swearing and ridicule.

One peculiar beloved claim is the human fetus is a parasite, thus it can be removed. Since the parasite argument is so popular, I made a short video where I give six reasons why unborn babies aren’t parasites. Enjoy the reasons!

Six Reasons the Fetus isn’t a Parasite

1) Parasites live off another species.

A parasite is a different species from the hoist. However, in the cause of the human unborn, they are just that, human, at all stages of development. Whether it is a zygote, embryo or fetus, the unborn is the same species as the mom. The unborn does, however, have a unique human chromosome fingerprint. In addition, the baby is in the proper location for its stage of life.

2) Parasites are a detriment to the host

A parasite is a detriment to the host, a human unborn baby is not to his or her mom (usually not at least). There are some obvious reasons the unborn are not detriments, for one, humans need to propagate, a good thing for any species. If this never happened to your mom, you would not even be here (unless you grieved her all your life). There also seems to be evidence of other benefits too, like less cancer.

3) Parasites are invasive

A parasite is a foreign entity from the outside, it’s not from an intrinsic source. However, the women releases the egg from the inside of her body. The egg travels to a special location, the fallopian tube, where it is designed to be fertilization by sperm, an essential process designed for species procreation and survival. The formation of the gametes, the egg and sperm is one of the most breathtaking process on planet earth. The delicate balance and all the specificity that is required is truly a design marvel. This topic, gamete formation and reproduction in general, would require a number of dedicated posts to explain, which I may just write some day.

4) Parasites are in direct contact

Parasite come into direct contact with the host’s tissue, attaching or clamping onto the tissue, such as the inside of the intestines. However, in a unified team, the unborn and the mother form a placenta that interfaces the unborn baby with the mother’s body. Again, this stands out as one of the world’s most amazing choreographed systems, the woman’s body (including the uterus), the placenta and the baby work together for the new baby’s wellbeing.

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5) Parasites fights to feed

A parasite fights to feed long term off the host, biting into the tissue and using all sorts of attachment mechanisms. It does not want to leave. However, the unborn is a participant in this while process, it is the effect, not the cause of the pregnancy. Think about it, the baby him or herself never initiated the process of his or her existence. Plus, the unborn baby only lives short term in the womb, unlike parasites.

6) Parasites weaken reproduction

A parasites usually weakens the host’s reproduction. Obviously, the unborn in the womb is actually doing the opposite. That’s why we call it reproduction.

The apostle Peter taught us to have answers for our faith, which is what I try to do here. I would love for you to follow iApologia to get the latest updates to your inbox. Plus, I will send you my Free Quick Guide why that gives 8 reasons science points to God.

What other differences are there between the human unborn baby and the parasite? Feel free to share below.

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