February 8, 2025

Category: molecular machines

Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 3 [Podcast]
apologetics, bio-inspiration, biology, biomimicry, biosimilarity, creation, darwinian evolution, evolution, intelligent design, molecular machines, science

Why Science Confirms The Creator – Part 3 [Podcast]

Nature is packed with designs that are so well made, we copy them (bioinspiration). In addition, some designs we found in nature after we came up with technology that looks mighty similar (which is what I call biosimilarity). This third show, in a series of three casts, talks about the best source for these designs. […]

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apologetics, biology, cells, DNA, epigenetics, evolution, genes, genome, intelligent design, molecular machines, science

Double Function: DNA Code and Duons

Cells are the “building block of life”, they form organisms. Inside, DNA resides, storing the instructions that tell how to build proteins. Protein are made up of something called called amino acids. The instructions in the DNA are called genes. However, the DNA has other functions as well, it regulates some of the cell’s activities. DNA code […]

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