July 27, 2024

Category: bioethics

10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses

10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses

Abortion has gone from a hot-button issue to a hyper-polarized searing debate. Screaming irritation, bombastic claims and anti-science opinions spray paint social media threads, emotions dominate and reason recedes. Claims like: “My body, my choice.” “Men shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their bodies.” And “The unborn aren’t human persons.” “Sexual freedom” is […]

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Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers – A Responce [Podcast]
abortion, apologetics, bioethics, biology, Christian worldview, education, immorality, life, moral, Philosophy, zygote

Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers – A Responce [Podcast]

In an article by Kate Ryan, titled “Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers“, she makes a “logical” case why Pro-Lifers are illogical. Yes, you heard that right. You see, she uses a Bill Nye’s video to help make her case. However, here I respond to that case she makes. Enjoy! To […]

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America’s 21st Century Holocaust: It’s Worse Than You May Think
abortion, apologetics, bioethics, biology, Christian, immorality, life, moral, philanthropy, Philosophy, sin

America’s 21st Century Holocaust: It’s Worse Than You May Think

Warning: Graphic descriptions and images below: dead babies. However, if you can’t read this or look at the images, what are you doing to prevent this 21st century Holocaust? Forty-four years ago today, the most dangerous procedure on earth was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court. Now you all probably know it, but I would […]

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