Adding to the Scripture If one does not hold the Bible as the ultimate authority and from God, there are greater concerns then what I’m about to address. However, I assume you hold the Bible to be foundational. I’m very concerned when people, Christians, elevate other concepts to biblical level. Or as Jesus put it […]
An Urologist’s Principle You Can Use in Communicating Christ
While I was assisting in an urology procedure, the type where the patient wants to be knocked out and hopes he is unknown by staff, the doctor explained his patient communication method. His “technique” was his vocabulary, the type that would make great grandma Elsa blush in embarrassment. Very easy to understand terms – crude. […]
The One View Some Christians and Some Atheists Agree On – And Why It is Wrong!
Interestingly, prominent agnostics, atheists [1] and Christians of various persuasions agree on at least one thing, philosophy is of little worth. Other Christians are afraid of the enterprise. Our Western culture downplays classical education – such as philosophy. Even so, philosophy is pivotal, yes pivotal. Especially for our days. We all have a philosophy and use it, […]
The iApologia Vision, And What It Means for You
A number of years ago, A biography of Patrick of Ireland was given to me [1]. He was connected with a fifth century group of Christians from ancient Britain (not Roman Catholic), he seemed to have had two main goals. One was for Christians to follow Christ closer, and the second, his heart was for […]
On Discrimination and Noah’s Ark
During the last few years, Ken Ham’s organization, AIG, has been spearing heading a project to build a full size replica of “Noah’s Ark.” One may not be interested in this project, agree with it, or even go to see it, but, it would seem to me, most would be like “great, if it brings […]
The Amazing Cell!
A couple of years ago, I came across a presentation given at one of the TED conferences by a Drew Berry. If I would have a guess, many non-biologists would be really bored with a talk on cell division, right? But no, not this one, it was most interesting, using computer animation, he exposed the […]
Should Christians Bury Their Head in the Sand?
The Index Librorum Prohibitorum was a list of banned books by the Roman Catholic church from centuries ago. It included two notable books: Johannes Kepler’s Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae, which was on the index from 1621 to 1835. The second notable book was, in various editions of the index, some translations and editions of the Bible. […]
The Call To Action
As a troop with no training, as a military with no will, as a soldier who has dropped his weapons for naught, many Christians have grown strong in apathy. Many shun dialogue, promote the degenerate view of ignorance as a higher plane of spirituality and simple faith is touted as turning a blind eye to […]
To Build the Spiritual Immune System
Ebola, that deadly virus is rocking parts of the globe. Other diseases throughout history have done the same. There are three main approaches to many diseases, isolation to prevent exposure, succumb to the disease and hope for survival, and with some diseases, inoculate beforehand for greater resistance. We can learn from these approaches and apply […]
The Bible’s View on Who is Our Brother and Sister
If you read no farther, I want you to read this: A brother or sister of Christ is a brother or sister to me. I hope it is this way for you as well. I do understand that there are specifications for being a brother or sister in Christ, however, my assertion does not negate […]