July 27, 2024

Category: education

What Are Cultic Type Groups And Why Is There “Trouble In Amish Paradise”?
apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, Cult, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, mind control, religion, true Christian

What Are Cultic Type Groups And Why Is There “Trouble In Amish Paradise”?

Cults vs. Cultic type Groups We have been talking about spotting deception for a number of posts now, and there’s more to come. However, here’s a ripe example of how a little knowledge can help prevent deception: understanding the cults and, specifically for this post, cultic groups. While many abuse the word “cult” without proper […]

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3 Essential Tools to Build Your ‘Mental Filter’ In The Art Of Deception Prevention
apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, knowledge

3 Essential Tools to Build Your ‘Mental Filter’ In The Art Of Deception Prevention

Should Christians approve same-sex marriage? This was the question that one book author was trying to address. His answer was in the affirmative. While I only got through the first chapter or two, what I read stunned me. What struck me was not his arguments or even his position, he did not bring anything new […]

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apologetics, Bible, education, knowledge, Philosophy, reason, science, self-refuting statements, wisdom

The One View Some Christians and Some Atheists Agree On – And Why It is Wrong!

Interestingly, prominent agnostics, atheists [1] and Christians of various persuasions agree on at least one thing, philosophy is of little worth. Other Christians are afraid of the enterprise. Our Western culture downplays classical education – such as philosophy. Even so, philosophy is pivotal, yes pivotal. Especially for our days. We all have a philosophy and use it, […]

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biology, cells, creation, DNA, education, epigenetics, evolution, genes, genome, intelligent design, science

What Is The Difference Between Shannon Information and Specified Complex Information? And why it’s important.

Information is interesting, here I want to specifically discuss Shannon Information verses Specified Complex Information. I know, you may be saying “so what, it sounds boring to me.” Maybe so, it may even zip over your head, in that case duck so it will hit the person behind you! While being of an esoteric philosophical nature, I think it’s […]

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apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, education, internet, knowledge, wisdom

Should Christians Bury Their Head in the Sand?

The Index Librorum Prohibitorum was a list of banned books by the Roman Catholic church from centuries ago. It included two notable books: Johannes Kepler’s Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae, which was on the index from 1621 to 1835. The second notable book was, in various editions of the index, some translations and editions of the Bible. […]

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apologetics, Bible, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, education, evangelism, faith, Jesus, kingdom of God, knowledge, leadership, life, true Christian, wisdom

The Call To Action

As a troop with no training, as a military with no will, as a soldier who has dropped his weapons for naught, many Christians have grown strong in apathy. Many shun dialogue, promote the degenerate view of ignorance as a higher plane of spirituality and simple faith is touted as turning a blind eye to […]

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