March 15, 2025

Category: apologetics

What Is Genetic Entropy And Does It Disprove Darwinism? [Video Quick Answers]
apologetics, biology, creation, DNA, evolution, genes, Genetic Entropy, genome, intelligent design, science

What Is Genetic Entropy And Does It Disprove Darwinism? [Video Quick Answers]

It has been said that for every beneficial mutation, there is approximately a million harmful mutations. We are degeneration through mutations. Each generation is losing functional information, approximately 100 more mutations than their parents. The average 16 year old has approximately 6,000 mutations per cell. The average 60 year old will have 40,000 mutations per […]

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5 Amazing “Alien Technologies”  in Life That Strike Down Darwinistic Evolution
apologetics, bio-inspiration, biology, biomimicry, biosimilarity, creation, DNA, intelligent design, technology

5 Amazing “Alien Technologies” in Life That Strike Down Darwinistic Evolution

Terrestrial Alien technology Digging in the deep jungle tangle, you are in search for lost ancient civilizations. Finding primitive technology is your expected end because of the surrounding primitive cultures. Your slow sleepy digging suddenly is awakened by the earth’s yawning mouth, you are plunged down into the bowels of the earth. A hidden cavern […]

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The Comfortable Christianity Conundrum and Why You Should be Concerned
apologetics, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, evangelism, Jesus, kingdom of God, persecution, religion, true Christian

The Comfortable Christianity Conundrum and Why You Should be Concerned

We like our comfort. We like are personal peace. We like our prosperity. However, if your Christianity is comfortable, you are not a Christian after the breed of the Apostles and ancients. In fact, not even like Jesus! Now I’m not trying to tell you that you should seek out an “uncomfortable life”. No. I […]

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The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (Post 3 of 3)
apologetics, Bible, Christian, Christian worldview, discipleship, Jesus, kingdom of God, Ten Commandments

The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (Post 3 of 3)

Are Christians supposed to keep the Ten Commandments? Are Christians supposed to keep the Sabbath? Are Christians free from the laws of the Old Testament? Taken from Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s study at Ariel Ministries, I feel that this is the best argument concerning how we interact with the Ten Commandments in light of Scripture. Even though this […]

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