March 12, 2025

(Don’t) Ditch “Your Truth” For God – A Response to a Response

(Don’t) Ditch “Your Truth” For God – A Response to a Response
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One Youtube vlogger I’ve stumbled upon discusses topics ranging from makeup to atheism. My interest level in makeup is equal to my interest level in China’s annual quantity of rice production. (Which means I don’t care.) However, her pro-atheism videos do interest me. I think they are fun because she uses common objections to religion (which usually means Christianity), and I like to rebut them.

In addition, I like Rachel Oates, the vlogger, because she does seem to like a nice and reasonable person, well at least most of the time. So, yes, when she slams the Christian worldview, I attempt to rise to the occasion and present counter arguments.

While I would love to comment on a number of her videos, which I may sometime, I will only have time to discuss one right now: (Don’t) Ditch “Your Truth” For God. Her video is a response to an article over at (a site I never heard of before). To understand the context of my responses, you may want to watch her video.

Rachel Oates does not separate subjective and objective truth

Like some of her other videos, this one leaves me wondering why she confuses things, does not make proper distinctions and at times makes logical errors. For exhibit numero uno , in this video, she does not demarcated subjective truth from objective truth.

Subjective truth would be I like chocolate ice-cream (which I do) and you like vanilla (maybe you don’t but you get the picture). This truth is dependent upon the subject (you and I).

On the other hand, objective truth would be gravity, if you jump off a three hundred foot cliff to the rocks below, you will die. This truth is not dependent upon your opinion or desires. This truth is dependent upon the object (like maybe gravity and the jagged rocks at the bottom of the cliff).

Rachel Oates black and white claim is self-defeating

Second, in the video, she is very clearly against black and white claims, such as moral claims. For example, like a claim that something is right and and another thing is wrong. However, the humorous observation I made was she makes black and white claims in this video, such as black and white claims are not good (which itself is a black and white claim). Thus her claim is self-defeating.

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Rachel Oates has no standard for perfection

Third, she claims she is not perfect and knows she will never be perfect. However, she gives no indication of where this standard of perfection comes from. In other words, a knowledge of a perfect standard is necessary to know that one did not meet that standard. What is that standard and where does it come from? And to be frank, where did that knowledge come from anyhow?

Rachel Oates promotes fear, in opposition to fear

Forth, she claims religion makes people fearful, or the like, and that is bad. First, however, fear is not always a bad thing. Are there not things we should be fearful of? If I would be fearful of walking into a lions den, that would be a good thing I would think.

However, the curious thing is this, she is trying to drum up fear in her claims in opposition to religion. She claims that religion, or at least the outworkings of religion (ie, Christianity) is wrong and dangerous. Why say it is wrong to make people fearful, but then go around and try to drum up fear?

Rachel Oates does not understand biblical belief

Fifth, she seems fine with people who believe their religion is true, but she is not fine with it when one really follows that religion. This view does not logically follow, or maybe I should say does not make sense. It assumes people don’t actually act upon beliefs.

If I really believe something to be true, then to be consistent, I should act upon those beliefs. If I believe the Bible is true, I should act on its clams and commands. If I believe gravity is real — such as if I’d jump off a cliff, I’d die — and ignore it without proper justification, most would think I would need mental help.

Rachel Oates does not seem to understand Christian ethos

Sixth, she is pro-critical thinking, thinking for yourself and free will, however, these are all Christian ethos (even though she seems to not think that). Discernment, knowledge and wisdom (I would argue these are critical thinking skills) and free will are biblical concepts.

As noted before, she understands she is not perfect. However, she has no grounding for that claim. However, the Bible does provide grounding for that, a Christian etho. It makes the claim that we don’t know everything and we are not perfect (ya, obvious). It also argues that there is one who is perfect.

Rachel Oates misplaces praises and glory

Lastly, in this video, and some of her other videos, she wants to give herself and other people the praise and glory for accomplishments in place of God. While in one sense people should be praised, in another sense, it is not appropriate. If God really does exist, as I argue, and if he is the creator of all, then it would only be right and appropriate to give him the ultimate praise and glory. However, I will assert here, even though she doesn’t believe in God’s existence, God was the one who gave her life, free will, creativity, intelligence and the ability to think.

In other words, she is sitting in God’s lap and trying to slap his face. I don’t find that attitude very tasteful, nor ultimately successful.

The apostle Peter taught us to have answers for our faith, which is what I try to do here. I would love for you to follow iApologia to get the latest updates to your inbox. Plus, I will send you my Free Quick Guide why that gives 8 reasons science points to God.

Please tell us all your thoughts below!


Featured image source: The image is from Rachel Oates’ Youtube video “(Don’t) Ditch “Your Truth” For God”. Video linked above.

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