Social media seems to crawl with comments like “prove that scientifically,” a valid request in some cases, but not all. Some scream “invalid” if a claim was not published in a secular peer reviewed journal. Some popular level science writers weave a utopian vision of science, similar to science fiction. Then you get infamous lines […]
The Lost World: Is your Reading of Genesis Wrong?
Have you been reading Genesis wrong all your life? One Wheaton College professor would have you think so. Specializing in the Ancient Near East (ANE) literature, especially the biblical Old Testament, Dr. John Walton provides colorful and controversial views on the ancient story of the beginning. He wrote them down in book series that have […]
10 Christian Beliefs that Ignited the Scientific Revolution | iApologia
There are at least three subject areas that societies around the globe and throughout history have excelled at: mathematics, philosophy and technology. I can think of examples like indigenous Central-South Americans, various Asian populations and the Greco-Roman world. As breathtaking as these may be, each of these subjects are very natural for human achievement and […]
Hitler’s God: 3 Reasons Hitler Wasn’t Christian
Does a man identifying as a six year old girl strike you as satire or reality? Either answer would be correct. You see, it’s becoming hard to discriminate between satire and reality. Consider these other examples: A woman who identifies as baby. A woman who identifies as an elf. A 69 year old man who […]
10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses
Abortion has gone from a hot-button issue to a hyper-polarized searing debate. Screaming irritation, bombastic claims and anti-science opinions spray paint social media threads, emotions dominate and reason recedes. Claims like: “My body, my choice.” “Men shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their bodies.” And “The unborn aren’t human persons.” “Sexual freedom” is […]
Murder of the Innocent: The Jesus Story
He was maybe a year or two old. I could hear him cry, but I could not see him since he was hidden deep inside of the concrete pipe. How far down he was, I don’t know for sure, maybe ten feet into the ground. The scene was abuzz, easily fifty or a hundred people […]
Why Our Society’s New “Religion” Fails: Moralistic Therapeutic Deism
Since I’m on the college campus quite often, I intentionally try to interact with students on worldview and religion. The average student seems to be religious, but in a strange way. Their religion seems to be a hodgepodge of worldviews. For example, a guy once told me the universe and all of life was created […]
OB/GYN Professional: No Reason for Abortions, Including Late Term & Ectopic Pregnancy
Almost exactly 46 years after Roe v. Wade, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill legalizing many late term abortions. To celebrate the law, he had landmarks, such as the World Trade Center memorial, lit with pink light. Sarah Cleveland, a “nationally registered ultrasound tech specializing in OB/GYN with 15+ years experience”, says no […]
Christmas: When God Became Man | iApologia
We all know that Jesus of Nazareth was a singular person who had a singular mission, a singular message and singular deeds. Two of the most epic, however, are the unnatural events that bracketed his life: when he entered this world and when he exited this world. Let’s just slide over and carefully examine his […]
No Free Market, No Thanksgiving! Here’s why
We all know the picturesque Plimoth Plantation tale of celebration, thanksgiving and feasting after struggle, hard work and survival. While true in one sense, an often ignored and sinister angle emerges from history’s pages: a problem and a failed solution. A problem similar throughout the ages, a failed solution we are attempting to emulate today. […]