July 26, 2024

Category: exegesis

The Lost World: Is your Reading of Genesis Wrong? 
apologetics, exegesis

The Lost World: Is your Reading of Genesis Wrong? 

Have you been reading Genesis wrong all your life? One Wheaton College professor would have you think so. Specializing in the Ancient Near East (ANE) literature, especially the biblical Old Testament, Dr. John Walton provides colorful and controversial views on the ancient story of the beginning. He wrote them down in book series that have […]

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apologetics, Bible, Christ-like, Christian, conversation, deception, discipleship, evangelism, exegesis, knowledge, self-refuting statements

Six Concerning “Christian” Ideas, And What The Bible Says About Them

A recent conversation got me concerned. The ideas were not new to me, but what was interesting was the volley of ideas that kept coming, kept coming without biblical justification. A Christian of a number of years, explained it is not good when Christians have “head knowledge”. In other-words, we should not study the Bible […]

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Thou Shalt Be Strange
Bible, Biblical word definitions, Christian, church, discipleship, exegesis, faith, kingdom of God, looking different from the world, true Christian, world

Thou Shalt Be Strange

Are Christians supposed to be “peculiar people?” At first blush this might seem true, and it is in some ways (1). However, it is false if one means that we have to be “strange”,  “weird”, or “peculiar.” Biblical exegesis seems to be the issue here, the Bible passages are being confused on who is doing […]

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Reading Someone Else’s Mail
Bible, Christian, church, exegesis, traditions

Reading Someone Else’s Mail

We already talked about description vs. prescription. I want to give you a good example of this thinking in process. It is the story, “description”, in Jeremiah 35 about the Rechabites. Rechabites. This group of people obeyed their “father” by living in tents, not drinking wine and not planting crops. God blesses them because of […]

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apologetics, Bible, Christian, church, discipleship, evangelism, exegesis, forgiveness, kingdom of God, questions, religion

Big Thoughts on Christianity

These “big thoughts on Christianity” have been rattling around in my head. These are areas in my life that I have been trying to work on. Hope you can also put these principles to use! Focus on Scriptural Integrity. 1) Reading passages/verses in context reduces error and poor exegesis.2) Coming to the Scriptures to understand a concept, […]

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