July 27, 2024

Tag: Christian worldview

The Universe Maker and a Book for Early Teens

The Universe Maker and a Book for Early Teens

In a past post, I shared a chapter out of a book I’m attempting to write for young teens. Now, anyone can read it, but they are my target audience. While the going is slow, it is still on the path to completion. Early teens have questions, but, from my experience, they want an enjoyable […]

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The Jesus Story, Was the Resurrection Fiction? [With a Short Video]

The Jesus Story, Was the Resurrection Fiction? [With a Short Video]

Someday, someone will probably inform you that the New Testament account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is “fiction”. Also, you will probably hear that the accounts are late dated, written generations after Christ, making them more myth then real history. However, if the account of Jesus is false, then Christianity is false! If Jesus […]

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Worldview as Story

Worldview as Story

Guest post by A.K. Preston. Hollywood screenwriter John Truby, writing in his bestseller The Anatomy of Story, refers to every story as a “moral argument” expressing “the author’s view of how to act in the world.” This is not just (or even primarily) expressed in dialogue, but in the very structure and sequence of the […]

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Did Jesus Claim to be God, Equal With the Father? [Podcast]

Did Jesus Claim to be God, Equal With the Father? [Podcast]

In a time when anyone can identify as anything , I’ve a greater sensitivity to those who claim to be Christian, but aren’t. Basic teachings and basic elements of Christianity are ignored or disagreed with, but one still claims to be Christan. Obviously God is the final judge, but the Bible already has criteria laid out. […]

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10 Christmas Myths You May Thought Were in the Bible But Aren’t.

10 Christmas Myths You May Thought Were in the Bible But Aren’t.

As you gather with family and friends, and kin and kith for Christmas celebrations, conversation starters are always handy. In two previous posts “3 Things You Thought The Bible Says About Christmas, But It Doesn’t” and  “5 Christmas Myths That Some May Thought Were in the Bible, But Aren’t“, I noted a number of first […]

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