July 26, 2024

Category: wisdom

apologetics, Bible, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, education, evangelism, faith, Jesus, kingdom of God, knowledge, leadership, life, true Christian, wisdom

The Call To Action

As a troop with no training, as a military with no will, as a soldier who has dropped his weapons for naught, many Christians have grown strong in apathy. Many shun dialogue, promote the degenerate view of ignorance as a higher plane of spirituality and simple faith is touted as turning a blind eye to […]

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apologetics, conversation, discipleship, wisdom

Silly People or Silly Idea?

One of the greatest mistakes we make is to name names indiscriminately in discussion when ideas would work just as well. In fact, it is very important in communication. If you noticed I usually try to have good arguments without pointing fingers or naming names. Now this is not always possible. Where there is public […]

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The Brainwashing
apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, conversation, Cult, deception, discipleship, education, knowledge, logic, mind control, persecution, questions, reason, tactics, wisdom

The Brainwashing

Are you being brainwashed? In a post by Stella Morabito (see source below, it is worth the read), she tells the story of Patricia Hearst, who within two months was brainwashed into a totally different person. There were a number of things that she went through but here are some of the techniques her kidnappers […]

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