March 11, 2025

Category: immorality

Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers – A Responce [Podcast]
abortion, apologetics, bioethics, biology, Christian worldview, education, immorality, life, moral, Philosophy, zygote

Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers – A Responce [Podcast]

In an article by Kate Ryan, titled “Follow Bill Nye’s Lead And Use Science To Quiet Pro-Lifers“, she makes a “logical” case why Pro-Lifers are illogical. Yes, you heard that right. You see, she uses a Bill Nye’s video to help make her case. However, here I respond to that case she makes. Enjoy! To […]

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America’s 21st Century Holocaust: It’s Worse Than You May Think
abortion, apologetics, bioethics, biology, Christian, immorality, life, moral, philanthropy, Philosophy, sin

America’s 21st Century Holocaust: It’s Worse Than You May Think

Warning: Graphic descriptions and images below: dead babies. However, if you can’t read this or look at the images, what are you doing to prevent this 21st century Holocaust? Forty-four years ago today, the most dangerous procedure on earth was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court. Now you all probably know it, but I would […]

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Some of the Most Murderers “Regimes” Since the Early Nineteen-Hundreds, The Last One will Stun You!
abortion, apologetics, Christian, Christian worldview, church, immorality, kingdom of God, true Christian

Some of the Most Murderers “Regimes” Since the Early Nineteen-Hundreds, The Last One will Stun You!

We are disgusted with Hitler, with Stalin and with Mao. Rightfully so, we all know they were sick, sick people murdering millions. Some say “God has a special place for them in hell”, and maybe he does, I don’t know. We wonder “why didn’t people step up and stop them”? How could the rest of […]

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abortion, immorality, zygote

When do you stop being you?

A Zygote from Gray’s Anatomy Let me treat you to a fictitious journey. You rubbed the “magic lamp” and made your wish, you are now on the way to becoming a younger you. Wrinkles are disappearing and your face and body are looking younger. As the days turn into years you become younger, not older. […]

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Bible, Christian, immorality, marriage

The Disease

I wonder how much this study cost? McDermott and her colleagues found that study participants were 75% more likely to become divorced if a friend is divorced and 33% more likely to end their marriage if a friend of a friend is divorced. So divorce is contagious…and you can catch the divorce bug from your […]

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