March 11, 2025

Category: true Christian

Change your world by changing your community: Write a Letter to the Editor. I did, here is the response.
Bible, Christian, Christmas, conversation, God, Jesus, true Christian

Change your world by changing your community: Write a Letter to the Editor. I did, here is the response.

In preparation for Christmas, I wrote a letter to the editor to a local newspaper. I was desiring local discussion. I got it. While Christmas celebration has ceased for most of us, today (Saturday January 7th) is Christmas for Russian orthodox churches in 2017. Whichever the date you celebrate, the arguments are relevant and timeless. […]

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The Comfortable Christianity Conundrum and Why You Should be Concerned
apologetics, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, evangelism, Jesus, kingdom of God, persecution, religion, true Christian

The Comfortable Christianity Conundrum and Why You Should be Concerned

We like our comfort. We like are personal peace. We like our prosperity. However, if your Christianity is comfortable, you are not a Christian after the breed of the Apostles and ancients. In fact, not even like Jesus! Now I’m not trying to tell you that you should seek out an “uncomfortable life”. No. I […]

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Some of the Most Murderers “Regimes” Since the Early Nineteen-Hundreds, The Last One will Stun You!
abortion, apologetics, Christian, Christian worldview, church, immorality, kingdom of God, true Christian

Some of the Most Murderers “Regimes” Since the Early Nineteen-Hundreds, The Last One will Stun You!

We are disgusted with Hitler, with Stalin and with Mao. Rightfully so, we all know they were sick, sick people murdering millions. Some say “God has a special place for them in hell”, and maybe he does, I don’t know. We wonder “why didn’t people step up and stop them”? How could the rest of […]

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What Are Cultic Type Groups And Why Is There “Trouble In Amish Paradise”?
apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, Cult, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, mind control, religion, true Christian

What Are Cultic Type Groups And Why Is There “Trouble In Amish Paradise”?

Cults vs. Cultic type Groups We have been talking about spotting deception for a number of posts now, and there’s more to come. However, here’s a ripe example of how a little knowledge can help prevent deception: understanding the cults and, specifically for this post, cultic groups. While many abuse the word “cult” without proper […]

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apologetics, Bible, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, education, evangelism, faith, Jesus, kingdom of God, knowledge, leadership, life, true Christian, wisdom

The Call To Action

As a troop with no training, as a military with no will, as a soldier who has dropped his weapons for naught, many Christians have grown strong in apathy. Many shun dialogue, promote the degenerate view of ignorance as a higher plane of spirituality and simple faith is touted as turning a blind eye to […]

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