February 19, 2025

Category: Jesus

Change your world by changing your community: Write a Letter to the Editor. I did, here is the response.
Bible, Christian, Christmas, conversation, God, Jesus, true Christian

Change your world by changing your community: Write a Letter to the Editor. I did, here is the response.

In preparation for Christmas, I wrote a letter to the editor to a local newspaper. I was desiring local discussion. I got it. While Christmas celebration has ceased for most of us, today (Saturday January 7th) is Christmas for Russian orthodox churches in 2017. Whichever the date you celebrate, the arguments are relevant and timeless. […]

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Christians Who Fear Christmas, Because It Has Pagan Origins, Is That Good Thinking?
Bible, Christian, Christian worldview, Christmas, Jesus, logic, reason, religion, theology, traditions

Christians Who Fear Christmas, Because It Has Pagan Origins, Is That Good Thinking?

“The most wonderful time of the year” is also the time of the year when we start hearing some denounce Christmas celebrations and Christmas paraphernalia. While we may expect this from atheists, we are sideswiped unexpectedly when it comes from a Christian. It all comes down to celebrations on December 25th are thought to have […]

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The Comfortable Christianity Conundrum and Why You Should be Concerned
apologetics, Christ-like, Christian, church, discipleship, evangelism, Jesus, kingdom of God, persecution, religion, true Christian

The Comfortable Christianity Conundrum and Why You Should be Concerned

We like our comfort. We like are personal peace. We like our prosperity. However, if your Christianity is comfortable, you are not a Christian after the breed of the Apostles and ancients. In fact, not even like Jesus! Now I’m not trying to tell you that you should seek out an “uncomfortable life”. No. I […]

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The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (Post 3 of 3)
apologetics, Bible, Christian, Christian worldview, discipleship, Jesus, kingdom of God, Ten Commandments

The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (Post 3 of 3)

Are Christians supposed to keep the Ten Commandments? Are Christians supposed to keep the Sabbath? Are Christians free from the laws of the Old Testament? Taken from Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s study at Ariel Ministries, I feel that this is the best argument concerning how we interact with the Ten Commandments in light of Scripture. Even though this […]

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The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (Post 1 of 3)
apologetics, Bible, Christian, Christian worldview, discipleship, Jesus, kingdom of God, Ten Commandments

The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ (Post 1 of 3)

Are Christians supposed to keep the Ten Commandments? Are Christians supposed to keep the Sabbath? Are Christians supposed to have a distinction between God’s moral law, God’s ceremonial law and God’s legal law in the Old Testament? And what, anyhow, was the old law for? This three part series will address these and other questions. […]

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apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, deception, Jesus, leadership, traditions

How To Spot Deception and Prevent Yourself From Being Swayed by Illicit Arguments (Post 1)

Adding to the Scripture If one does not hold the Bible as the ultimate authority and from God, there are greater concerns then what I’m about to address. However, I assume you hold the Bible to be foundational. I’m very concerned when people, Christians, elevate other concepts to biblical level. Or as Jesus put it […]

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