March 11, 2025

Category: inoculation

apologetics, Bible, Christian, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, knowledge, logic, teachers

The Truth Ain’t Enough. Why You Should Inoculate, Not Isolate

Click for credit. Just The Truth Please? A counterfeiter once walked into a gas station, slapped down a seven and asked for change. Without skipping a beat, the attendant handed him a three and four dollar bill and said “good day.” One of the most annoying “Christian” myths is that many think law enforcement, who […]

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apologetics, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, knowledge, questions, social networking, students, teachers

3 Essential Tools to Own Your Knowledge for Deception Prevention (And Why Doubting Is Not a Sin)

Car in snow. Public Domain. Click for credit. The air was cold and crisp as I started driving home. The roads were clear so I zoned out. About the same instant as I noticed white flakes in the air and the white fluffy stuff on the road, was when I started losing control. Going down […]

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Why Truth Ain’t Enough to Protect you from Error, Here’s What Else is Needed
apologetics, Christian, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, knowledge, logic, Philosophy, reason, simple faith, truth, understanding, wisdom

Why Truth Ain’t Enough to Protect you from Error, Here’s What Else is Needed

Flash floods. Bad storm. The dam overflows…then brakes. Billy hears the rush of water hit his house as he awakes. Floods rise as he climbs on his table, but the water is getting higher. Standing upon a chair on the table he grabs the beam, he swings, smashing the window that leads out to the […]

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Wisdom, Credibility & The Only Way To Find Truth
apologetics, Christian, deception, discipleship, inoculation, Philosophy, truth

Wisdom, Credibility & The Only Way To Find Truth

Join me, if you would, and think about a magician’s act, who’s not mesmerized by the “trickery”? We all know the card tricks, “death defying” antics, and captivating“disappearing” and then “reappearing” moves are basically misdirection, sleight of hand and skill. Simply: a type of deception we like. Try sleight of hand on small children, they […]

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What Are Cultic Type Groups And Why Is There “Trouble In Amish Paradise”?
apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, Cult, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, mind control, religion, true Christian

What Are Cultic Type Groups And Why Is There “Trouble In Amish Paradise”?

Cults vs. Cultic type Groups We have been talking about spotting deception for a number of posts now, and there’s more to come. However, here’s a ripe example of how a little knowledge can help prevent deception: understanding the cults and, specifically for this post, cultic groups. While many abuse the word “cult” without proper […]

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3 Essential Tools to Build Your ‘Mental Filter’ In The Art Of Deception Prevention
apologetics, Bible, brainwash, Christian, deception, discipleship, education, inoculation, knowledge

3 Essential Tools to Build Your ‘Mental Filter’ In The Art Of Deception Prevention

Should Christians approve same-sex marriage? This was the question that one book author was trying to address. His answer was in the affirmative. While I only got through the first chapter or two, what I read stunned me. What struck me was not his arguments or even his position, he did not bring anything new […]

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