It was a little over 500 hundred years ago. The event changed the world, quite literally. It was changed by one man’s vision and valor, persistence and perseverance, and fortitude and fearlessness. Historians would remember it was the same year of the Reconquista, when the subjugating Islamic hegemony was expelled from the Iberian Peninsula. The […]
Should Christians Support #BlackLivesMatter? | iApologia
A number of years have passed since I first heard my black friend talk about it. He was upset. Now, I need to be clear, he was not upset at me or even other whites. I also need to be clear that he has faced despicably racially discrimination in the past. Even so, he was […]
The Naked Worldview of Neo-Atheism: Why It’s Both Unreasonable and Irrational | iApologia
I’m sure you’ve heard this classic tale countless times. An always well-dressed emperor employed two “weavers” to manufacture a new suite of clothing. These “weavers”, or should I say swindlers, pompously proclaimed that the cloth they would weave would be invisible to stupid people. Such a capital idea. Of course, the emperor only wanted brilliant […]
Scientism: the Twisted Religion of Science & Why it’s False
Social media seems to crawl with comments like “prove that scientifically,” a valid request in some cases, but not all. Some scream “invalid” if a claim was not published in a secular peer reviewed journal. Some popular level science writers weave a utopian vision of science, similar to science fiction. Then you get infamous lines […]
Hitler’s God: 3 Reasons Hitler Wasn’t Christian
Does a man identifying as a six year old girl strike you as satire or reality? Either answer would be correct. You see, it’s becoming hard to discriminate between satire and reality. Consider these other examples: A woman who identifies as baby. A woman who identifies as an elf. A 69 year old man who […]
OB/GYN Professional: No Reason for Abortions, Including Late Term & Ectopic Pregnancy
Almost exactly 46 years after Roe v. Wade, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill legalizing many late term abortions. To celebrate the law, he had landmarks, such as the World Trade Center memorial, lit with pink light. Sarah Cleveland, a “nationally registered ultrasound tech specializing in OB/GYN with 15+ years experience”, says no […]
Five Tools to Help Discern Truth from Deception
Who is not mesmerized by the magician’s “trickery”? There is death defying antics, disappearing objects and reappearing people, all based upon illusion, misdirection, sleight of hand and pure skill. Everyone says the same, “how was that done?” Magicians are masters of deception, but they are honest too, telling you upfront they plan to trick you. […]
How To Spot And Deal With Cult And Cultic Groups [Podcast]
The 1970’s brought us the gut wrenching and infamous case of Jim Jones and the public awareness of cults gone rogue. It showed how innocent people can be whirlpooled into the arms of evil murderous man. Many cults and cult like groups never will mass murder people as in the case of Jones. However, similar […]
Did Jesus Claim to be God, Equal With the Father? [Podcast]
In a time when anyone can identify as anything , I’ve a greater sensitivity to those who claim to be Christian, but aren’t. Basic teachings and basic elements of Christianity are ignored or disagreed with, but one still claims to be Christan. Obviously God is the final judge, but the Bible already has criteria laid out. […]
Using the PIG Process To Recover the Biblical Doctrine of Discernment
Spammers attack my blog every day, which is quite annoying to say the least. Like most, I have no problem identify spam. While spam can be dangerous to the naive, for most it’s not the biggest concern. However, there are real devious and dangerous ideas that bombarded us daily. Fake news, false memes, fringe ideas, […]