February 6, 2025
Why Insect Gears Point to God and Away from Darwinism
apologetics, bio-inspiration, biology, biomimicry, biosimilarity, creation, evolution, intelligent design, technology

Why Insect Gears Point to God and Away from Darwinism

Covering the design company IDEO’s product design process, the host of the documentary called “IDEO Deep Dive” said something to the effect of “everything besides nature was designed.” The Gear Consider the lowly gear – classically an iconic element to indicate human technological progress and design. We all have seen them – mundane right? Actually […]

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apologetics, deception, education, students


The new school year is here – so you want to raise an agnostic you ask? How about an atheist? Maybe a rebel? Now, I’m not saying these all fall into the same category, however, instruction of each are similar. There’re many things one can do, but here’s some ideas for starters. Peers Make sure he’s always […]

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Multiverse Theory Proves Flying Spaghetti Monster
apologetics, flying spaghetti monster, Humor, multiverse theory, Philosophy, science

Multiverse Theory Proves Flying Spaghetti Monster

You may not consciously believe in the flying spaghetti monster, but if you affirm Multiverse Theory–as many atheists, agnostics, and anti-theists do–then you really do believe in his Meatball Noodliness. Here’s how. Premise 1: To account for the vast improbabilities of this universe, this universe is treated as one among many, perhaps, infinite universes [Multiverse […]

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apologetics, Bible, Biblical word definitions, faith, reason

Gangster Grandma

Grandma Someone’s grandma is shuffling down the street about to cross that busy road. Being the generous self that you are, you slowly walk next to her, making sure she arrives safe on the other side. She thanks you and starts into a sob story of her life and her poverty. You are moved with […]

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abortion, cartoon

Pro-Life Cartoon 2.0

Please share this cartoon on all your social network connections! Check out a previous Pro-life cartoon from the below link: http://ibitedge.blogspot.com/2014/07/pro-life-cartoon.html

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