July 27, 2024

Is Genesis History Movie Review [Podcast]

Is Genesis History Movie Review [Podcast]
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Recently, I went and saw a movie called “Is Genesis History”. In this second iApologia Podcast, I would like to share some of my thoughts about it with you.

To listen, just click on the below “PLAY” button.

iApologia podcast

To download the latest iApologia Podcast, right click here and save the file to your computer.

Post mentioned in this podcast, my thoughts on evolution: Don’t Ever Say You Don’t Believe In Evolution

Get the “Is Genesis History” booklet here

Link to Paul Nelson’s article concerning his part in the movie: New Film Is Genesis History? Presents a False Dichotomy: I Dissent from My Role in It

Don’t miss my talks at the Peoria home school convention next month:  APACHE Homeschool Convention

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