While I was assisting in an urology procedure, the type where the patient wants to be knocked out and hopes he is unknown by staff, the doctor explained his patient communication method. His “technique” was his vocabulary, the type that would make great grandma Elsa blush in embarrassment. Very easy to understand terms – crude. […]
Gangster Grandma
Grandma Someone’s grandma is shuffling down the street about to cross that busy road. Being the generous self that you are, you slowly walk next to her, making sure she arrives safe on the other side. She thanks you and starts into a sob story of her life and her poverty. You are moved with […]
Spirit Led: Fact or Fiction?
Words can be used equivocally, that is they can be defined a number of ways. In fact phrases can be as well. Some can take on brand new meanings, this is what happens with many novel teachings in Christianity. Many times we become convinced of something and then we set out to prove it Biblically. […]
Casual or Carnal?
What does casual mean? Yes, this word does have an objective definition. However, it seems that this word also has a subjective application per diverse peoples and cultures. In other words, how people perceive it is relative to ones opinions and culture, much like the words “moderation”, “warm”, “appropriate” or “a lot”. It’s relative to […]
Thou Shalt Be Strange
Are Christians supposed to be “peculiar people?” At first blush this might seem true, and it is in some ways (1). However, it is false if one means that we have to be “strange”, “weird”, or “peculiar.” Biblical exegesis seems to be the issue here, the Bible passages are being confused on who is doing […]
The Bible says “There Is No God”, It Really Does!
Wow! That should get some people’s attention. But wait, the Bible does say that two places (Psalm 14; Psalm 53). Before you say something, this phrase was taken completely out of context. Go look it up! But this brings up something very important, how to read one’s Bible, and for that matter, how to read […]
Who Is My Brother?
In the famous account in Luke 10, a Mosaic law lawyer asked Christ who was his neighbor. Jesus responded by telling him a parable of the “Good Samaritan“. What about another question, who is my brother? Now I will not give an exemplum, but I want to discuss what the Bible teaches. Some feel that only […]
What is Christian Unity?
Unity is essential among true disciples, Jesus made this clear in John 17. Jesus says that unity in the Church shows the world that he came from the Father! Over and over, the apostles teach that oneness and unity are essentials for Jesus followers. However, many talk about unity, but rarely is it ever defined. […]