Internet hoaxes, questionable sources, the overly abused modern phrase “fake news”, click-bait sites and crazy memes bombard our daily life. We are deluged with questionable “new finds” and crazy conspiracy theories. As a society, we have been taken in by the promise of “hidden knowledge” as the gnostics of old. As I sit back and […]
Why Truth Ain’t Enough to Protect you from Error, Here’s What Else is Needed
Flash floods. Bad storm. The dam overflows…then brakes. Billy hears the rush of water hit his house as he awakes. Floods rise as he climbs on his table, but the water is getting higher. Standing upon a chair on the table he grabs the beam, he swings, smashing the window that leads out to the […]
Wisdom, Credibility & The Only Way To Find Truth
Join me, if you would, and think about a magician’s act, who’s not mesmerized by the “trickery”? We all know the card tricks, “death defying” antics, and captivating“disappearing” and then “reappearing” moves are basically misdirection, sleight of hand and skill. Simply: a type of deception we like. Try sleight of hand on small children, they […]
3 Sure-Fire Ways To Build Your Knowledge ‘Mental Filter’
The cold “clickety-clack” sound, the motion, the rolling down the hall on the cart, you shiver. Eyes on the ceiling, studded cold bright lights flash past, you turn the corner into the elevator. Exiting the ‘cave’, your gurney is shoved past streams of scrub clad humans flying around. A ruptured appendix, you feel sick with […]