March 12, 2025

Tag: Christmas

The Holiday Problem: Christians Need to Redeem and Create Culture File source:
Christian worldview

The Holiday Problem: Christians Need to Redeem and Create Culture

Infused within the months of October, November, and December is the holiday season. We as Christians seem to have a stark dichotomy in our approach to celebrating at least two of these: Christmas and Halloween. We can throw in the spring holidays of Easter (called Pasha) and Saint Patrick’s Day too. The disparity is that […]

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Christmas: When God Became Man | iApologia

Christmas: When God Became Man | iApologia

We all know that Jesus of Nazareth was a singular person who had a singular mission, a singular message and singular deeds. Two of the most epic, however, are the unnatural events that bracketed his life: when he entered this world and when he exited this world. Let’s just slide over and carefully examine his […]

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Science and The Miracle of Jesus’ Birth

Science and The Miracle of Jesus’ Birth

The familiarity, I think, makes us a little blind to the radical and bombastic account. The ancient text, “The Gospel According to Matthew”, claims that a virgin, named Mary, supernaturally conceived a baby who was to be named Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25). Supposedly, this all happened before she was married to her fiancé: she was “found […]

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Change your world by changing your community: Write a Letter to the Editor. I did, here is the response.
Bible, Christian, Christmas, conversation, God, Jesus, true Christian

Change your world by changing your community: Write a Letter to the Editor. I did, here is the response.

In preparation for Christmas, I wrote a letter to the editor to a local newspaper. I was desiring local discussion. I got it. While Christmas celebration has ceased for most of us, today (Saturday January 7th) is Christmas for Russian orthodox churches in 2017. Whichever the date you celebrate, the arguments are relevant and timeless. […]

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10 Christmas Myths You May Thought Were in the Bible But Aren’t.

10 Christmas Myths You May Thought Were in the Bible But Aren’t.

As you gather with family and friends, and kin and kith for Christmas celebrations, conversation starters are always handy. In two previous posts “3 Things You Thought The Bible Says About Christmas, But It Doesn’t” and  “5 Christmas Myths That Some May Thought Were in the Bible, But Aren’t“, I noted a number of first […]

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Christians Who Fear Christmas, Because It Has Pagan Origins, Is That Good Thinking?
Bible, Christian, Christian worldview, Christmas, Jesus, logic, reason, religion, theology, traditions

Christians Who Fear Christmas, Because It Has Pagan Origins, Is That Good Thinking?

“The most wonderful time of the year” is also the time of the year when we start hearing some denounce Christmas celebrations and Christmas paraphernalia. While we may expect this from atheists, we are sideswiped unexpectedly when it comes from a Christian. It all comes down to celebrations on December 25th are thought to have […]

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