February 12th was Darwin Day, a day when many celebrate Charles Darwin and promote Darwinian evolution. Thus, I thought this time of the year would be a great opportunity to address a line of “evidence” for Darwinism called “evolutionary engineering.” When I first heard about it, it sounded like an oxymoron. As I read up […]
10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses
Abortion has gone from a hot-button issue to a hyper-polarized searing debate. Screaming irritation, bombastic claims and anti-science opinions spray paint social media threads, emotions dominate and reason recedes. Claims like: “My body, my choice.” “Men shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their bodies.” And “The unborn aren’t human persons.” “Sexual freedom” is […]
The Waiting Time Problem Makes Darwinism Bunk, Here’s Why
Neo-Darwinian evolution is a fairy tale for big people. I know those are fighting words, but let me tell you why I say that. The typical human evolutionary story starts like this, around five to ten million years ago, we diverged from chimps, one of our closest primate relatives, from an ape-like ancestor. One line […]
“Four Big Bangs” That Kill Atheism
In a recent conversation with an atheist, I challenged him with four major topics his worldview can’t explain. I remembered them by using Frank Pastore’s nice mental hook, the “four big bangs” that materialism can’t explain. The “Cosmological Big Bang” The “Biological Big Bang” The “Psychological Big Bang” The “Moral Big Bang” When atheists try […]
40 Trillion Reasons Evolution Is Dead
Almost 160 years ago, Charles Darwin thought life’s diversity could be explained through variation filtered by natural selection. Even though it has changed some over the years as I show later, I think the Darwinian idea is quite dead. Why do I think that? Well, I think it for many reasons, a little less than […]
Do Cavemen and Dinosaurs Fit into the Bible? Cavemen (Part 2)
In a previous article, we looked at the issue of dinosaurs and the Bible. We built a foundation for the whole topic by working through the idea of God, creation and the universe. As promised in that article, we want to address the caveman issue. It was this, do cavemen fit into the biblical account, […]
The Bible Got Biology Right [Podcast]
In a talk I give titled “God Got Science Right In The Bible“, I present a number of topics where the Bible was way ahead of its time. In this show, I note some of those areas that modern science affirms, such as our chemical nature, the information nature of biology and our health. Enjoy! […]
Why ‘Darwin’ Looks Silly Trying To Explain Away Living Fossils!
Two funny looking trees grow in my yard, they are called Ginkgo trees. What makes them quite peculiar is that they are called “living fossils”. A living fossil is an organism that once was thought to be only found in the fossil record, or in other words, scientists thought they were extinct. However, after much […]
Is The Bible A Fairy Tale Since It Talks About Unicorns? [Podcast]
We all, in our sophisticated society, chuckle at the mythical unicorn, right? Really, who believes in the existence of a horned horse? Strangely, however, old Bible versions like the KJV talk about unicorns. What do we make of that? Is just some wild ox, wild bull or buffalo as many modern versions translate it to […]
Three Reasons To Never Say “Evolution Is Just A Theory, But Not A Fact”
While surfing radio channels awhile back, I happened upon a host of a Catholic show who was addressing evolution and Catholicism. My science background and apologetic interests made me listen closer. Her view was interesting, however, I was disappointed in a common line she used. She, like Catholicism in general, does not take a hard […]