October 22, 2024

Tag: science

No, Evolution Didn’t Design That Antenna | iApologia

No, Evolution Didn’t Design That Antenna | iApologia

February 12th was Darwin Day, a day when many celebrate Charles Darwin and promote Darwinian evolution. Thus, I thought this time of the year would be a great opportunity to address a line of “evidence” for Darwinism called “evolutionary engineering.” When I first heard about it, it sounded like an oxymoron. As I read up […]

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Scientism: the Twisted Religion of Science & Why it’s False

Scientism: the Twisted Religion of Science & Why it’s False

Social media seems to crawl with comments like “prove that scientifically,” a valid request in some cases, but not all. Some scream “invalid” if a claim was not published in a secular peer reviewed journal. Some popular level science writers weave a utopian vision of science, similar to science fiction. Then you get infamous lines […]

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10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses

10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses

Abortion has gone from a hot-button issue to a hyper-polarized searing debate. Screaming irritation, bombastic claims and anti-science opinions spray paint social media threads, emotions dominate and reason recedes. Claims like: “My body, my choice.” “Men shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their bodies.” And “The unborn aren’t human persons.” “Sexual freedom” is […]

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The Waiting Time Problem Makes Darwinism Bunk, Here’s Why

The Waiting Time Problem Makes Darwinism Bunk, Here’s Why

Neo-Darwinian evolution is a fairy tale for big people. I know those are fighting words, but let me tell you why I say that. The typical human evolutionary story starts like this, around five to ten million years ago, we diverged from chimps, one of our closest primate relatives, from an ape-like ancestor. One line […]

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Christmas: When God Became Man | iApologia

Christmas: When God Became Man | iApologia

We all know that Jesus of Nazareth was a singular person who had a singular mission, a singular message and singular deeds. Two of the most epic, however, are the unnatural events that bracketed his life: when he entered this world and when he exited this world. Let’s just slide over and carefully examine his […]

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The Universe Maker and a Book for Early Teens

The Universe Maker and a Book for Early Teens

In a past post, I shared a chapter out of a book I’m attempting to write for young teens. Now, anyone can read it, but they are my target audience. While the going is slow, it is still on the path to completion. Early teens have questions, but, from my experience, they want an enjoyable […]

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40 Trillion Reasons Evolution Is Dead
apologetics, intelligent design

40 Trillion Reasons Evolution Is Dead

Almost 160 years ago, Charles Darwin thought life’s diversity could be explained through variation filtered by natural selection. Even though it has changed some over the years as I show later, I think the Darwinian idea is quite dead. Why do I think that? Well, I think it for many reasons, a little less than […]

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