Imagine being in Joseph’s shoes, or I should say sandals. Mary informs him she’s pregnant, but she says it’s OK because it was “supernaturally” caused. Really? He’s no dummy. He knows quite well how pregnancy starts. So, being the type of guy he was, he decided to call the marriage off. That changed, however, when […]
The NEA Trojan Horse: What Christians Need to Know About This Union | iApologia
Guest post by Tory Currier. Sure, it’s a great sounding mission statement; who could say it was wrong? “Our mission is to advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.” This is […]
Should Christians Support #BlackLivesMatter? | iApologia
A number of years have passed since I first heard my black friend talk about it. He was upset. Now, I need to be clear, he was not upset at me or even other whites. I also need to be clear that he has faced despicably racially discrimination in the past. Even so, he was […]
10+ Popular Pro-Abortion Excuses, And My Responses
Abortion has gone from a hot-button issue to a hyper-polarized searing debate. Screaming irritation, bombastic claims and anti-science opinions spray paint social media threads, emotions dominate and reason recedes. Claims like: “My body, my choice.” “Men shouldn’t be telling women what to do with their bodies.” And “The unborn aren’t human persons.” “Sexual freedom” is […]