December 21, 2024

Category: Christian worldview

The Holiday Problem: Christians Need to Redeem and Create Culture File source:
Christian worldview

The Holiday Problem: Christians Need to Redeem and Create Culture

Infused within the months of October, November, and December is the holiday season. We as Christians seem to have a stark dichotomy in our approach to celebrating at least two of these: Christmas and Halloween. We can throw in the spring holidays of Easter (called Pasha) and Saint Patrick’s Day too. The disparity is that […]

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Joseph Leads The Way: What to Do In Trying Times | iApologia
Christian worldview

Joseph Leads The Way: What to Do In Trying Times | iApologia

Cultural events over the past months have been front-burner issues. From politics, business, technology, economics, media, science and the humanities, we have been inundated with culture issues. In opposition to some who would think that Christians should abstain from cultural controversy, I think we are some of the best equipped to think about this topic. […]

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A Post-Election Plan For A True Cultural Revolution | iApologia
Christian worldview

A Post-Election Plan For A True Cultural Revolution | iApologia

Mao Zedong’s “Great Leap Forward” was dubbed the “Cultural Revolution,” but it was neither. Instead of a leap forward, it was a leap back. Instead of a cultural revolution, it was a cultural devolution. People’s freedom and liberty were stolen. People’s wealth and property were stolen. People’s lives through forced labor camps, mass hunger and […]

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The Year The World Bumped Into Itself | iApologia
Christian worldview

The Year The World Bumped Into Itself | iApologia

It was a little over 500 hundred years ago. The event changed the world, quite literally. It was changed by one man’s vision and valor, persistence and perseverance, and fortitude and fearlessness. Historians would remember it was the same year of the Reconquista, when the subjugating Islamic hegemony was expelled from the Iberian Peninsula. The […]

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The Christian Response During Social Unrest | iApologia
Christian worldview

The Christian Response During Social Unrest | iApologia

Social unrest during this trying time is on the rise. Everyone seems to be concerned with the trajectory of today’s COVID-19 crises. As I look at the whole situation, a number of intersecting concerns come to mind. First, I’m concerned about this serious disease. The virus is virulent, people are getting sick and some are […]

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