March 12, 2025

The Jesus Story, Was the Resurrection Fiction? [With a Short Video]

The Jesus Story, Was the Resurrection Fiction? [With a Short Video]
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Someday, someone will probably inform you that the New Testament account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is “fiction”. Also, you will probably hear that the accounts are late dated, written generations after Christ, making them more myth then real history.

However, if the account of Jesus is false, then Christianity is false! If Jesus did not raise from the dead, our faith in Jesus is dead, our faith is in vain and we have a false hope. Paul said as much in 1 Corinthians 15.

It also sets up a challenge to the skeptic, “OK, here you go, you want to disprove Christianity, you want to destroy it, then feel free to take aim at the resurrection. Prove it false and Christianity is dead!” If one wants to falsify Christianity, here is the proverbial “Achilles heel”.

But alas, the skeptic has been trying to do just that for the past 2,000 years, but to no avail. Here’s why, because the account of Jesus is one of the most attested to and historically documented accounts in ancient history! If we can’t believe the Jesus account, how do we believe anything else from ancient history?

We have four main primary sources for the account of Jesus. The four Gospels. Second, we have the epistles, such as most respected 1 Corinthians 15 account. Both the Gospels and the epistles are very early dated by historians! We have other accounts too, secular historical documentation of Jesus. Lastly, we have second century documents affirming the Christ narrative. In other words, it so happens to be that Christianity’s greatest weakness (as pointed out by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15) is also its greatest strength!

See the short video below for more information.

The apostle Peter taught us to have answers for our faith, which is what I try to do here. I would love for you to follow iApologia to get the latest updates to your inbox. Plus, I will send you my Free Quick Guide why that gives 8 reasons science points to God.

Tell us your story, have you ever been challenged on this issue? How did you respond? Tell us below!

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10 thoughts on “The Jesus Story, Was the Resurrection Fiction? [With a Short Video]

  1. “We have other accounts too, secular historical documentation of Jesus.”
    There is no ‘secular, historical documentation’ of the Jesus in the detailed way that the gospels describe him.

        1. I said “secular, historical documentation of the Jesus is just as much detailed as the four gospels describe him.”? Where?

          1. You claim you said something. Next, you ask me where you did that.
            It makes few sense.

          2. This is what the post said “We have other accounts too, secular historical documentation of Jesus. Lastly, we have second century documents affirming the Christ narrative.” Where do I say what you say I said?

          3. I see what you mean. It is about the word documentation.
            That word implies a detailed record by people that were witnesses. Documentation is, in one definition:

            “Material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record.”

            As such, there is no secular historical documentation of Jesus. Writing down hearsay about a person is not building a historical ‘ documentation’.

          4. If this is your standard for documentation, history is a dead field (pardon the humor). Sorry man, but really, what historian would have this view?

          5. A good historian would check if he is dealing with a witness account or with recorded hearsay. As secular documentation about Jesus only consists of what Christians living long after Jesus told about him, a historian will consider it hearsay.

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