March 12, 2025

Tag: scientism

Scientism: the Twisted Religion of Science & Why it’s False

Scientism: the Twisted Religion of Science & Why it’s False

Social media seems to crawl with comments like “prove that scientifically,” a valid request in some cases, but not all. Some scream “invalid” if a claim was not published in a secular peer reviewed journal. Some popular level science writers weave a utopian vision of science, similar to science fiction. Then you get infamous lines […]

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Science and The Miracle of Jesus’ Birth

Science and The Miracle of Jesus’ Birth

The familiarity, I think, makes us a little blind to the radical and bombastic account. The ancient text, “The Gospel According to Matthew”, claims that a virgin, named Mary, supernaturally conceived a baby who was to be named Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25). Supposedly, this all happened before she was married to her fiancé: she was “found […]

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