July 26, 2024

Tag: evil and suffering

Joseph Leads The Way: What to Do In Trying Times | iApologia
Christian worldview

Joseph Leads The Way: What to Do In Trying Times | iApologia

Cultural events over the past months have been front-burner issues. From politics, business, technology, economics, media, science and the humanities, we have been inundated with culture issues. In opposition to some who would think that Christians should abstain from cultural controversy, I think we are some of the best equipped to think about this topic. […]

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Did God Make Disease-Causing Microbes? | iApologia
apologetics, biology

Did God Make Disease-Causing Microbes? | iApologia

We live in a very strange time. The strangeness is not necessarily caused by the blustering politics, worldview clashes and a viral pandemic crashing over the globe. The strangeness is not necessarily caused by the swirling media confusion either. Rather, it is strange because we think we should be immune, pardon the pun, to such […]

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