March 12, 2025

Some of the Most Murderers “Regimes” Since the Early Nineteen-Hundreds, The Last One will Stun You!

Some of the Most Murderers “Regimes” Since the Early Nineteen-Hundreds, The Last One will Stun You!
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We are disgusted with Hitler, with Stalin and with Mao. Rightfully so, we all know they were sick, sick people murdering millions. Some say “God has a special place for them in hell”, and maybe he does, I don’t know. We wonder “why didn’t people step up and stop them”? How could the rest of humanity allow such atrocious atrocities? How could these criminals of humanity and their henchmen do such horrible deeds?

These are all deep questions that we need to perpetually ponder. But I do have to wonder how clean our hands are? In United States alone, where Christianity is a majority, the murderous deed of snuffing out unborn human baby’s lives go unchecked. In addition, the sad fact is that many who name the name of Christ do these murderous deeds as well, taking the life of their unborn progeny.

Which is the Biggest Murderers Regime?

Adolf Hitler | Germany (1933-45) | Nazi | Victims 30 million
Joseph Stalin | Soviet Union (1929-53) | Communist | Victims 40 million
Mao Zedong | China (1949-76) | Communist | Victims 60 million
American People | USA | (1973-Present) | Democracy | Victims 62 million

Yes, the USA has more legalized victims of murder than any one of these three hideous regimes since January 22, 1973. What’s even more sad is that each year, about 45 million abortions take place worldwide! Let that sink in!

Prime Example

When one’s pride, apathy and lack of a Christian worldview are in control, things become dangerous. For example, a young couple conceived, out of wedlock. Both were in the wrong. The new dad did not want to own up to his actions. The girl knew her sin and to this day is still repentant of the deed.

The sin in this story is somewhat typical in our day, sadly it happens in Christian circles. Just like so many others, this guy and girl were part of a biblical and culturally conservative Christian group. If this sin was not bad enough, another sin was suggested, just as big if not bigger, by the unborn baby’s paternal grandfather. Supposedly a godly man, the grandfather advised the young pregnant girl to abort his own unborn grandchild! To her credit, she did not.

The Me Phenomenon

Abortions In America. Click for credit.

You see, there is an idol in our lives. Idols can be “material or mental”, “formed or formless”. For those of us who live in materialistic cultures, the idol many times has become ourselves. Our personal peace and affluence reign supreme. Whether we pursue the act of abortion or silently ignore the act with apathy, we worship the idol of self. You see, the so called Christian who takes the life of her unborn or one who is agnostic and apathetic to the enterprise, commits a similar sin. We too want our personal comfort, peace and prosperity.

Supposed Christians really take the life of the unborn, what? Look at the graph. Most abortions that happen in the US are from people who call themselves Christian. Now there is something wrong! Can you even call those who murder another human being, willfully, unrepentantlly and proudly, a Christian? Sadly it is a no. They are not Christian unless they turn from this ungodly act. I’m not being judgmental here. Feel free to read Revelations 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

Speak for the weak

However, as stated before, those of us who would not even think of murdering our unborn, still have questions to answer. Sadly, as seen above, this act is quite common in so called Christians. While in Christian cultures abortion is usually looked down on, many times however, it is not spoken out against with vengeance. The apathy in the American Church is discouraging, disgusting and despicable. We think “out of sight, out of mind.” We yawn at the moral decay. Where is the outcry? Some how, those of us who know the evil have not transmitted effectively the biblical commands and the Christian worldview to those who commit these atrocities against the unborn. Where is the outcry against those so called Christians who support it and suggest it?

But just like our above story, those so called Christians who don’t speak out, they too are guilty! Church Repent!

The Biblical Foundation For Our Outcry and Defending the Rights of the Unborn

With our own idol of self, our comfort our familiar ways of life, we ignore the cry’s of the innocent. We are embarrassed. We do not want to look “radical”. We don’t want to be “persecuted.” We are sissy Christians, babies. Our materialistic mindset lies prostrate in the shadows of giant Christians who are being tortured and murdered right now for following Christ’s teachings. And what are we concerned about?

So what do Scritpures teach? Psalm 82:3 says “Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9 puts it this way “Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” James 1:27 tells us what true religion really is “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

For us in the west, the most things we will have to endure may be just someone ignoring us with apathy. A few snickers or some criticism, but that is about it. Maximum, we would get a shoe thrown at us and maybe told by authorities to not be so vocal, but that’s it! We need to “grow up” and stop “playing Church”. The world should not be moving the Church, rather the Church should be moving the world. We need a next generation Church that contains radical followers of Christ.

In the words of Edmund Burke* “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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*There is question if he even said this phrase, but many attribute it to him.

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